I have to side with TLS and a couple others who touched on the real nature of the issue. Don't blame your cable company. They are simply collecting transmissions and rebroadcasting them in a neat, tidy package to their loyal customer base. They put out what they receive, more or less. The issue begins at the source, and every commercial, every channel (major networks, be them in digital HD or analog SD formats) put together their broadcasts in different ways.
I've gotten into a discussion on this before - there is a lack of standardization in the broadcast industry, and it's getting even worse with the introduction of all-digital programming, and a thousand and one different ways to get a signal from point A to point B. And yes, he who shouts loudest gets the most attention - these are the companies who shoot the commercials, thereby taking it even a step further back from the major networks.
Another prime example of this: Commercials that are shown for the elderly, be it assisted living care, or the medic-alert button thing, or whatever. Companies that market this stuff know that their target audience is obviously elderly, and most likely hard of hearing - therefore they record their commercial's audio at ear-splitting levels to anyone with normal hearing, so that the elderly folks can hear and understand. These commercials are sent and broadcast as-is.
Go easy on the cable guy for now - sure there are plenty of things to get upset with him over, but this isn't one of them.