Hi all, I have come into the posession of a Sony TA-F222ESX amp. Unfortunately I cannot find much information about the specs other than the usual sites selling service manuals etc. I have seen that it is equivalent to a Sony Ta-F500ES.
I have been running it with a pair of JBL L19's and it sounds great but I would like to know a little more about the operation of the amp.
If there is any one out there who can help it would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance
I have a TA-F500ES and generally, the specs are excellent but to be honest, I really don't care about specs. Unless something is glaringly bad, they really don't matter at all.
Wide bandwidth, low distortion, great S/N ratio, etc. One thing that I wouldn't have expected is that other than the video inputs, the source switching, volume, balance and tone controls are all passive for audio. I had mine modded so the Ext Adaptor jacks could be used as Pre out/Power amp in and when I inadvertently turned the Sony off before the power amp, I found that the music didn't stop. I tried all of the controls and they worked just like it was on.