<font color='#000000'>I have a Sony STRDB1070. Sounds like you may need to connect your DVD player to the receiver with either coaxial or optical cable. The 1070 also has multichannel input so you can use it with either DVD Audio or SACD. Once you have properly connected the DVD/CD player to the 1070, you can use the remote to select different surround modes - use the "+" button under "Sound Field Modes."
Another thought is that the 1070 has some very sophisticated set up options. You may want to read the manual and go through the set up menus and make sure that you are making full use of this interesting receiver.
One more thought on the 1070 - I think it has a ridiculously good front end - surround processor but weak internal amps. I know it's rated at 100Wx6 channels, but personally, I don't believe that its output is even close to the rated 100 watts per channel. The 1070 is a great candidate to use with outboard amplification. I use mine with 3 Onkyo M282 2 channel amps and the effect on music and home theater is pretty stunning.
G'luck with your 1070.</font>