Sony SS-X70ED - Can this be repaired?



Hello everyone!
I am new to the forum and I am wondering if anyone has any tips and could offer me some help regarding my speakers.

I recently moved to a new place, and somehow during move, one of my Sony SS-X70ED speakers, broke all of it's four speaker terminals.

The other one survived luckily, but I am wondering if this repairable and if it is worth it.
If it is repairable:
What is the best way of going about it (and prefferable the cheapest way? I do live in Norway if that changes anything)
Will/could the sound differ, in regards to the other speaker, and if so, should I change parts on both of them to match them both in sound but also so they look the same?(I would prefer that they look the same, but of course sound quality is most important)

I will add some picture to clarify what the problem is, and also show how it looks internally as I imagine that can vary and have an impact on if and how repairable this may or may not be.

Will also add some pictures of the other speakers that is intact.

I am also missing 2 bridges(I believe it's called) on the one that's broke, and if that is also possible to get a new set of, I would much appreciate some help/tips regarding that also.

I'm pretty much a rookie when it comes to this audio world. But what I lack in knowledge is what's holding me back from fixing and figuering all of this out myself.
But with some help and assistance as in order what do to and if it's fixable and how to do it, and what parts are needed and what you recommend me getting will help out a lot!
I can do whatever is needed as long as I get more info and how to go about this problem!

For anyone who took the time to read my weird written post and can or want to try and help out, thank you so much in advance.
I've had these speakers for probably a decade now and would really love to get them fixed, even though I've already bought new replacement speakers.
So any help is appreciated and if more info/pictures is needed, let me know and I'll the best I can to supply whatever is needed.

Appologies for the long rant..o_O lmao




Audioholic Jedi
Sometimes they can be somewhat generic and available at parts places like I had a terminal cup fail (not the connectors, but the whole plastic insert)
on a speaker and they actually had one so that speaker lives on. You don't particularly need the connectors/bridges/straps the speakers came with, you can just substitute with speaker wire if you're able to replicate the bi-wiring terminals the speakers came with (which are more about marketing anyways). Don't know how old those are but might contact Sony for parts support....


Audioholic Jedi
I hate those split binding posts. I've had one break on me too. How easily they can be replaced depends on how they are connected inside and what your abilities are. Potentially, you might need to desolder/solder. There's nothing special about the posts themselves, so I would say Parts Express or Monoprice replacements would work just fine. You would need to remove the cup, pop those guys out and measure the hole in the cup. Likely it is standard size and most binding posts would fit. The post is usually held in by a nut on the inside, but you never know if a company might do something unique to themselves. It should come out easily, but the wiring may be soldered onto it as mentioned. If it is just a plug, then it should be simple.

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Audioholic General
Perhaps, I can assist.

If you are a bit handy just loosen the nuts and move the connection tabs -with the speakers leads attached - from the lower connection post locations in the photo (red arrows) to under the corresponding nuts in the upper location (yellow arrows). Don't worry if you have to rotate them down away from those connection points already on the connection posts. Then tighten the nuts again. This way you only have to use the upper posts to connect the speakers to your system. (And it doesn't leave a hole in the cabinet.)
Sony SS-X70ED Terminals.png

I think there could be enough "bite" by the top knurled nuts (Green arrows) to slip a "spade" lug termination, or possibly a "bare" conductor from your speaker cables under them.
Sony SS-X70ED Terminals External.png

I hope this is helpful. Good Luck with your repair.

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