furrycute said:
I have heard just about all the headphones out there, except for the electrostats, K1000, and the Grados.
I should outline how I compare headphones. Since such is not possible with a headphone to DBT, I resort to as controlled sighted condition as possible. However, I use a control set of recordings for every analysis I do, or have done in the last 4 or 5 years(including linear recordings done under midfield conditons, along with some pop and jazz for other comparision purposes), and a control headphone, which I compare carefully, and base relative comparisons, based on my extensive memorizations of live unamplified sound performances. Further, for baseline accuracy comparisons(concerning monitoring accuracy), I do not just use recordings. I use two linear measurement microphones(flat from 20Hz-20,000 Hz within a 1.5 dB envelope), spaced about 5', with my standing in the middle. I compare the live feed from these microphones directly with the live sound source(s) located in front of me. The MDR-7506 sounds virtually identical, in midrange and treble response. Ironically, I do not like the MDR-7506 for general music listening purposes.
I haven't head the 7506, so I can't comment on that. But the MDR-SA5000 is the newest generation of Sony's high end headphone, I doubt the 7506 can come close to SA5000's amazingly fast transient response.
Of course, you are probably referring to a different matter than me, you are referring to what you personally prefer, subjectively. I tend to only comment on accuracy matters. But I can offer my personal opinions on subjective sound for purposes of fun discussion since this is a casual thread, if you request me to do so.