According to my local dealer, that Sonus Faber model retails for $8k. I think that for that price, he should be looking at the following models:
Vanderteen Model 5A Signature
AVI Trio
Vienna Acoustics Beethoven
Magnepan MG 3.6R
Triad In-Room Gold
I compared the smaller brother of the Trio (Duo) to a Sonus Faber Two-Way like the Cermona and the Vienna Acoustics Beethoven. The AVI was priced at $2800, the Beethoven at $3500 and the Sonus Faber at $3800. The Duo sounded much better in the midrange and treble, but it definitely lacks in the bass. I think the Trio would fix that. Let me know if you need websites, I'll be on later.