Someone just gave me a vintage McIntosh C-28 pre/pro!!!!



Full Audioholic
Was today my lucky day or what? The C-28 is in pristine condition, I would rate it 9/10 cosmetically. It hasn't been used in years so sonically I don't know yet. My stereo guru said it was & still is a stellar pre-amp. I'm taking it to him for the once over. I'll definitely hook it up in my system to see how it sounds. Then I'll decide whether or not to sell it. Any of you guys have any comments about this particular pre-amp? I called McIntosh w/ the serial # & they said it was produced in the mid to late seventies. From what I can gather re-sell can be upwards of $ 800. This will be a interesting call. What do you think?


Audioholic Samurai
pearsall001 said:
Was today my lucky day or what? The C-28 is in pristine condition, I would rate it 9/10 cosmetically. It hasn't been used in years so sonically I don't know yet. My stereo guru said it was & still is a stellar pre-amp. I'm taking it to him for the once over. I'll definitely hook it up in my system to see how it sounds. Then I'll decide whether or not to sell it. Any of you guys have any comments about this particular pre-amp? I called McIntosh w/ the serial # & they said it was produced in the mid to late seventies. From what I can gather re-sell can be upwards of $ 800. This will be a interesting call. What do you think?'re about to hear your music come to life, that's what I think....there's a quality to McIntosh solid-state pre-amps that is the best I've ever heard....please report....


Audioholic Samurai
AND HE SCORES!,congrats on the new preamp!:D the c-28 is a great sounding preamp & is hard to beat for 2 channel stereo,it will also sound very much like the new model solid state mcintosh preamps(with tone controls) costing much much more:) mcintosh voices their preamps to sound similar if not the same.

the c-28 is not a pre/pro its just a pre (preamplifier) & its resale value is around $500 unless you have both factory boxes then it jumps up to around $650 if its a mint unit,the resale price is greatly affected by the condition of the unit,any scratches anywhere,nicks on the end caps,bubbles behind the glass face(usually around headphone input & panloc's) any missing washers behind control knobs,any defects or mars will detract from the resale value.

all in all its a great sounding preamp & was built to last 2 lifetimes as is all mcintosh gear.


Audioholic Ninja
Looks like Christmas came late for you. What a score! Before you get rid of it, make sure you will not have any use for it...

The Dukester

Audioholic Chief
highfihoney said:
AND HE SCORES!,congrats on the new preamp!:D the c-28 is a great sounding preamp & is hard to beat for 2 channel stereo,it will also sound very much like the new model solid state mcintosh preamps(with tone controls) costing much much more:) mcintosh voices their preamps to sound similar if not the same.

the c-28 is not a pre/pro its just a pre (preamplifier) & its resale value is around $500 unless you have both factory boxes then it jumps up to around $650 if its a mint unit,the resale price is greatly affected by the condition of the unit,any scratches anywhere,nicks on the end caps,bubbles behind the glass face(usually around headphone input & panloc's) any missing washers behind control knobs,any defects or mars will detract from the resale value.

all in all its a great sounding preamp & was built to last 2 lifetimes as is all mcintosh gear.

Yeah, what he said. Most any Mac stuff is great, IMHO. To give you the value of Mac gear, that unit was sold from '70-78 with the last retail price being $649....about what you can get out of it now. To get more history of Mac equipment, check out Click on the "History" section and scroll down to look at whatever you want ie: amps, preamps, speakers, etc. It is a really cool, informative site.
If you like two chan and have a good amp, you should love the preamp.

Andrés Coronado

Same thing happened to me, but Iam not sure if it works, any idea on how to fix it? Is there a market for broken amplifiers like this one, you know for restoration or something? I am want to sell it but I have no idea on how to put a fair price. Can you help me?


Audioholic Ninja
I think McIntosh gear is good, but overrated. I got rid of mine, as the resale value is high. In any case, it is hard to beat the price you paid for yours.

Andrés Coronado

Sorry, I wanted to know how to test if it works, not how to fix it, I am more into photography and my camera recently broked so I need a new one, so any idea on the value of it?


I really think you should give up on Macs and get something worthwhile. So in the mean time send it to me so I can ahem recycle it. Great find.

Andrés Coronado

Sure, How much are you willing to pay? JK, but send me a message if you are interested, maybe we can do an exchange.

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