I just recently bought a pair of CM5's and a CM Centre at an incredibly great price, but this is my first step into the audio world from a consumer perspective. I know enough about B&W to know that they are a very reputable speaker manufacturer, which is what influenced my decision to buy (as well as the price... and of course hearing them next to Polks, Def Techs, and Energy speakers). My main question is, since this is all I can really do for right now, speaker-wise, what would be a great receiver for them in regards to overall music clarity with a touch of home theater awesomeness.
I was thinking of going with something like a Marantz partly because of their MDAX, and partly because when I've been in the studio room I've been comparing similar models across brands with the same speaker setup and found that I enjoy the way Marantz makes the music sound. I hear the MDAX is a pretty solid converter. Any thoughts/suggestions? I'm all for basic and technical explanations.
Also, if any of you have any links to some really good training-like articles, please feel free to post them. I am trying to learn everything I can for my job (I'm working for an audio/video company). Thank you in advance!