Some big blunders in Saving Private Ryan.

A. Vivaldi

A. Vivaldi

<font color='#000000'>I noticed some big blunders while watching Saving Private Ryan. There were originally eight guys who set out to find Ryan, the first was killed by a German sniper while in a french town. Later in the film we see a far off shot of the guys walking over a hill. You can count each one as they come on the screen. There were eight of them. There should of only been seven!!! The other blunder had to do with early in the film, when some officers were talking about how they separated the Ryan brothers, who were in the same company, in an effort to make sure they didn't all get killed together, like the six brothers who were on the same ship that got sunk. Much later in the film however, when Private Ryan was talking about old memorys with his brothers, he made the statement &quot;and thats the last time we were all together&quot; (his other brothers left for basic training the next day). How can that have been true when they were all in the same company after basic training? I'm surprised that a director of Spielberg's caliber would let these huge flaws go by unnoticed, and I've lost some respect for this film.</font>


Full Audioholic
<font color='#000000'>I guess it's overrated.</font>


Republican Poster Boy
<font color='#000000'>If you examined every movie you will find these types of edtitng mishaps. Heck even LOTR has editing mistakes and they are the 3 greatest movies yet made!! Saving Private Ryan is still one of the best war movies yet made. The attention to detail and the realism of the battle scenes I have not seen topped.</font>
A. Vivaldi

A. Vivaldi

jeffsg4mac : <font color='#000000'>If you examined every movie you will find these types of edtitng mishaps. Heck even LOTR has editing mistakes and they are the 3 greatest movies yet made!! Saving Private Ryan is still one of the best war movies yet made. The attention to detail and the realism of the battle scenes I have not seen topped.</font>
<font color='#000000'>Yes, there are other movies with mistakes, but I didn't expect it from Spielberg, considering the heart and soul he put into this movie. I haven't noticed any mistakes like this in any of his other films, but I guess nobody can be perfect all the time. SPR is still a great movie, but from now on I'm gonna cringe every time these scenes come up. Mistakes are more bothersome when it's a movie of a serious nature like this.</font>


<font color='#000080'>There are actually websites devoted to movie goofs like the ones you mention.  One of the best,, lists 80 (yes, 80) goofs in Saving Private Ryan, including the ones you describe.  One of my favorites occurs in It's a Wonderful Life:  in a street scene involving George Bailey, Bert, and Ernie, one of the pedestrians, a lady in a flower print dress, walks by, back and forth, about 5 times in the brief scene!  Fortunately, if it gets by the director and others who watch the dailies, chances are (most of) the audience won't catch it either.  I'd watched Wonderful Life dozens of times without noticing the flower print lady, and only became aware of it when I read about it.

[Edit: Made link active - HawKe]</font>
A. Vivaldi

A. Vivaldi

<font color='#000000'>
Guest : There are actually websites devoted to movie goofs like the ones you mention. One of the best,, lists 80 (yes, 80) goofs in Saving Private Ryan, including the ones you describe. One of my favorites occurs in It's a Wonderful Life: in a street scene involving George Bailey, Bert, and Ernie, one of the pedestrians, a lady in a flower print dress, walks by, back and forth, about 5 times in the brief scene! Fortunately, if it gets by the director and others who watch the dailies, chances are (most of) the audience won't catch it either. I'd watched Wonderful Life dozens of times without noticing the flower print lady, and only became aware of it when I read about it.

[Edit: Made link active - HawKe]
I only noticed those two blatently obvious mistakes. I didn't know there were 80 of them! That's a cool website. I always like to take a critical look at things.</font>


<font color='#000000'>I feel that the movie A.I. was good for about 25-30 minutes and then it became a BIG mistake!</font>


Junior Audioholic
more blunders

on youtube there is a video of some mistakes in Star Wars someone put together....kinda funny...but alas , you dont always see these the first time you see a movie , but after its pointed out go insane watching the movie............well thats my excuse...


Audioholic Overlord
I have always found it odd how many mistakes you can come across in Spielberg film.

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