So This Should Surprise No One



Audioholic Spartan
Per OP title: No. I am not surprised. America wanted socialism, elected a socialist president and will now have a socialist cabinet and to go with it's socialist congress. It's par for the course.


Audioholic Overlord
Per OP title: No. I am not surprised. America wanted socialism, elected a socialist president and will now have a socialist cabinet and to go with it's socialist congress. It's par for the course.
Well many socialist places are better off than we are. And Socialism is not a bad thing. Communism is the bad one.

We have a really bad death rate for an industrialized nation and our wealth distribution is on par with China which is not good at all.

We've got work to do to improve this country and wealth redistribution will help.

Nice speakers for all america!:)


Audioholic Ninja
Well many socialist places are better off than we are. And Socialism is not a bad thing. Communism is the bad one.

We have a really bad death rate for an industrialized nation and our wealth distribution is on par with China which is not good at all.

We've got work to do to improve this country and wealth redistribution will help.

Nice speakers for all america!:)
Oooookay! I'll take some of your money for starters. Some new speakers sound good to me. Paypal is fine. :D


Audioholic Ninja
I don't understand why some people equate socialism with bad. Do we not have the same military protecting us? Do we not drive on the same roads? Do most of us not send our children to the same schools? Of course, anything can be overdone, but that isn't the case in the US and won't even come close even under Obama.

What I find ironic is that the same people who cry socialism when a president talks about something like universal health care are the same people who don't mind the government holding people without trial at Gitmo or tapping our phones. It's a slippery slope in both these instances. Provide universal care, what's next? Government holds "enemies" without trial, who's next? Same, but different focus.
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Audioholic Ninja
I don't understand why some people equate socialism with bad. Do we not have the same military protecting us? Do we not drive on the same roads? Do most of us not send our children to the same schools? Of course, anything can be overdone, but that isn't the case in the US and won't even come close even under Obama.

What I find ironic is that the same people who cry socialism when a president talks about something like universal health care are the same people who don't mind the government holding people without trial at Gitmo or tapping our phones.
I cannot answer your question without a long monograph on the history of the United States, it's fight to throw off the shackles of a high-tax government, the development of a massive middle class of aspiring people, and the great economic and political growth of this nation's power as a result of a the free-enterprise system. This is all antithetical to this "redistribution of wealth" or economic socialism some here seem to embrace. (The standard Haves versus the Have Nots argument is old and tired.)

But I will suggest that you do a lot of reading of the U.S. Constitution and the Founding Fathers like Thomas Jefferson. You may find in there an answer to your question as to why broad-based, wealth-redistributing socialism is bad for this country.


Audioholic Ninja
For me, (still young and naive admittedly) its not so much the threat of pending socialism as much as it the growing necessity to move in that direction. Take healthcare for example. Is healthcare really that big an issue/cost if our tax dollars werent being spent to care for a non-citizen? What would the unemployment picture look like if border control werent an issue? Its the entitlement element of a socialistic mindset that bugs me. I was brought up with the free-market attitude of you work for what you want/need and you dont rely on everybody else to pick you up. I dont want to live in a governed society where my honest hard work doesnt give me a leg up on those that dont put out similar effort.


Audioholic Ninja
But I will suggest that you do a lot of reading of the U.S. Constitution and the Founding Fathers like Thomas Jefferson. You may find in there an answer to your question as to why broad-based, wealth-redistributing socialism is bad for this country.
Who said anything about the redistribution of wealth? My point is that some socialist principles are needed.

What good is reading the constitution when it was made clear the government can violate it and stomp all over our civil liberties.

Full democracy as a whole will ultimately fail for one simple reason. If you grant the right to vote to people simply because they're are born, they will eventually understand that all they have to do is scream loud enough and things will go their way. The right to vote should be earned through service to ones country.


Audioholic Ninja
Surely you're not implying that a properly executed socialist movement results in this? Define service?
I'm not implying there should be a socialist movement. I think there's a balance and we all have different definitions of what is socialist. To me, the highway I drive on is a result of socialism. Do I believe that everyone should have the same of everything? Certainly not. This is pure stupidity.

I'm a fan of Heinlein, although there's much I don't agree with. But his quote below gives a pretty good picture of democracy in this country and where we're headed:

“The America of my time line is a laboratory example of what can happen to democracies, what has eventually happened to all perfect democracies throughout all histories. A perfect democracy, a “warm body” democracy in which every adult may vote and all votes count equally, has no internal feedback for self-correction…. Once a state extends the franchise to every warm body, be he producer or parasite, that day marks the beginning of the end of the state. For when the plebs discover that they can vote themselves bread and circuses without limit and that the productive members of the body politic cannot stop them, they will do so, until the state bleeds to death, or in its weakened condition the state succumbs to an invader — the barbarians enter Rome.”

To Sail Beyond the Sunset
Robert A.Heinlein

I see service as military service, volunteer work, anything that advances the well-being of the country as a whole.
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Audioholic Ninja
I see service as military service, volunteer work, anything that advances the well-being of the country as a whole.
Would this not include a law abiding, tax paying citizen?

Thats a good excerpt from Heinlein... Most of his ideologies I don't share, but the man possesses interesting insight to say the least.

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