If he does, then screw him too. A lot of people refused to write Bush off as a failure after 8 years, yet those same people are quick to write Obama off as one after 5 months. I find it amusing, considering it's warmongering and corporate kickbacks and gross overexpenditures that largely put us here to begin with. I know, I work in the public sector, and it's disgusting the things that our tax dollars are almost literally dumped on and flushed down the toilet.
Bush and Cheney will be living off Haliburton and Xe (formerly Blackwater) money for the rest of their years, and the many lives that could have been saved with money spent on body armor rather than old lazy GS13-15s who don't do anything but sit around b*tching all day about having a "terrorist" for a president and drinking 15 gallons of coffee, not to mention their $25k bonuses for retiring and their ridiculous pension plans courtesy of CSRS, will be a testament to that legacy. Oh I could go on, I could so go on...
And Obama, man, what the hell is wrong with him, trying to keep America's big three automakers in business. Just let them die and take their 3+ million domestic employees with them. Who cares, we need more people unemployed. It guarantees that the companies can pay whatever they want, since everyone will be desperate for work and completely destroy the notion of salary negotiations. That's the real American way, keep the masses subserviant to the dollar while the wealthy few exploit the desperation of the masses. Hell yeah America! *sigh*