Sitting through a hurricane...

So Hurricane Charley just went through Florida (Gene and Steve's domain) and is presently assailing Myrtle Beach (my territory)... Fortunately for me, the level 4 giant has downsized to a Level 1 and seems to be travelling at a nice brisk pace. I guess it had it in for the Audioholics team.

I'll keep y'all posted as to whether we need to rebuild Reference System 3 or not... ;)
Ah... some huge gusts, but nothing big here at the beach - and I'm only 3 blocks away. Fortunately for us this was only a Category 1 and moving at about 28MPH when it passed. No real excitement here... Still waiting on a call back from Gene to see how well he and Steve fared.


Audioholics Master Chief
We were on alert all day yesterday and had to evacuate our homes. Luckily we got nothing, not even rain! Unfortunately my bro wasn't so lucky and had 3 tress (2 over 100yrs old) ripped off his property and he now has no electricity. Today we are getting the aftermath with non stop rain.

Hurricanes are no fun for those involved.


but... they are amazingly fun to watch on cnn.
yeh thats cruel but i think it needed to be said.
Rip Van Woofer

Rip Van Woofer

Audioholic General
Mrs. and I were in Toronto for four days ending yesterday and saw the reports on CNN. When they mentioned Orlando I naturally thought of Audioholics HQ and you guys; glad you missed the worst.

However, friends of ours have a winter home in Punta Gorda (a house, not a mobile home thank goodness). Don't know yet how much damage it sustained.

Mort Corey

Senior Audioholic
If you ever have to evacuate, you're welcome to stay with us in California....we'll hook up the bass shakers for you :D


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