Yes! In fact it is your duty as a patriotic citizen to do so! Why your purchase of a new set of speakers could be vital to continued economic recovery in our nation. The money that you spend will not only help to pay for the cost of the manufacture of those speakers, but will also contribute to the financial well being of the sales person, and the owner of the establishment from whence you purchased. In addition, it will create a hole in the inventory, which will then result in the ordering of more speakers to replace the ones you bought, which will spur an increase in manufacturing, and put money on the table of the laborer who builds the speaker.
AND should those speakers happen to be manufactured in Asia, and more specifically in China, it will bring a small increase to the economy of that nation. Thus as they grow and become a more industrialized nation and continue their march towards becoming a first-world nation, their citizens will be inspired by the benefits their productivity hath wrought. In the course, more money will be available for education and improvement of the masses until they may actually reach the point where they turn their backs on the evil of communism and become a free democratic capitalistic society.
So Yes, Yes, Yes buy those speakers! Not only does the economy of the USA depend on it, but in fact the global economydepends on it, as well as the education and liberation of third world children!
Unless of course, you really really like the sound of your current speakers, then keep them. It is true that there have been some big strides in speaker development.
Gee, I have got to get off the caffeine in the mornings