If you do a search you will find enough posts related to the topic of power consumption. Manufacturers don't always specify their maximum consumption on their rear panel probably because they prefer to find ways to show a lower number in order to make them appear to be energy efficient.
Just because the 1015 does not specify its maximum consumption, you cannot assume the 480W given at the rear panel is the maximum. For a fair comparison, 480W of consumption is higher than that of the HKAVR335 that shows an input of 370W on its rear panel. The 335 is rated for 7X55W = 385W > 370W so it is again, impossible, if you assume the number on the rear panel is for maximum output. The 335 does, however, specify a maximum consumption of 890W in the service manual. It may be possible that the maximum consumption of the 1015 is 900W or higher, but it won't be continuous for sure.