Shopping Home Theater and going nuts



I am new here, and would not consider myself a true audio file, just a guy that enjoys watching movies and listening to music. I dont have the budget to get the top of the line equipment but I did want to do my system right the first time so any advice will be helpful.

What I have been thinking for the sound and I know I maybe shot for suggesting this, HTiB Harmon Kardon CP-35. I have about 800-1000 that I can spend on audio. Not sure if I should go this route or if I should get something like a 635 (ebay for 590) and maybe purhase the set of speakers seperately????

For the TV I was looking at the Westinghouse 42w2 LCD, I am still up in the air about plasma or LCD, I have about 2k to spend on the tv. I have been reading my little heart out, and I get one article that says LCD the best deal, another Plasma. I cant get a straight answer, maybe some information from somome that has experience with both?

Thanks in advance for all your help, been reading around the forum a little, it is a great place full of information.


Full Audioholic
Most on these forums do not recommend the HTIB route. Basically because the quality of the speakers leave a lot to be desired. If this is going to be your primary listening system I would suggest going with a system of seperates.
Generally most here also suggest spending the higher percentage of your audio funds on the speakers. You get the most bang for the buck on the speakers rather than the electronics.

I do not have a lot of listening experience with the many brands of speakers out there but can give you a suggestion regarding the Paradigm brand. One pair of Titans ($220 US) for the front and a pair of Atoms ($200 US) for the surrounds. This leaves you $380 to $580 for electronics. You can buy a very nice budget receiver from Pioneer, Onkyo or Yamaha in the $300 range that will provide good power and decent features. The left over money should be set aside until you have enough to buy a subwoofer to match the speakers. You will need around $400 US for a nice sub.
I purposely left out the center channel because its' duties can be handled by the fronts until you have extra funding. If you go with the Paradigm brand the CC170 center channel is quite nice and is around $200 US.

Your best bet is to go to your local stereo/HT shop, bring a favorite DVD and some favorite music cd's and start listening. Speakers have their own sound and our ears hear that sound in different ways generally so what may sound great to me is not as great to another.

The receiver is the easiest part to change. While it has impact on the sound it does not have the impact of the speakers. Also receivers drop in price as newer models become available so in a few years, or less lol, you can upgrade the receiver and have a nice backup/spare to use in another room or sell if you want/need to.

I have no real suggestions in the TV area. I have looked at a lot of models at BB and elsewhere and I see you get what you pay for. An inexpensive LCD or plasma is exactly that, inexpensive and the picture usually matches the low cost. Both have their pluses and minuses which you can read about in some of the links provided below. Again my recommendation is to watch them and choose the model that gives a picture that you like best. Many people have their issues with BB and other big boxes but they do have the most models/brands on display all generally showing the same loop of video, albeit it is high def and does not show the picture quality of standard signal but possibly the salesperson can change the signal type on a tv you want to view in standard mode.

Good luck, tell us of your experiences and enjoy.

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Audioholic Ninja
New HT system

For your audio system, keep in mind that the speakers will have the biggest impact on the audio performance and budget accordingly. I would recommend a 5.1 system with the Onix X-LS speakers from for about $700.
Pick up a $300 receiver like the Yamaha HTR-5860 online from an authorized dealer or a similar model from Denon, Pioneer, Onkyo, etc.

Pick up one of the Oppo DVD players for $150-200.

The end result will be a great sound system to complement your new HDTV.


Thanks, After reading a lot here I decided not to go with the HTIB I am very glad I did, although I have much to learn still I started to build my system. I went with the HK635 I got a killer deal on it from the HK dealer on ebay couldnt pass it up. I then started looking around at some of my local stereo stores unfortunatly I was unable to find paradigm dealer in the area I was able to locate one that sold defintive and a few other brands. After "comprimising" with the wife I was able to get into some Definive ProCinema 100s for my front ProCinema80 for my 2 rear suround sound. I hope to soon complete the set with the ProCinema 100 Sub and the 100 center. I have been VERY impressed with these little speakers. I have been noticing subtle sounds in movies and tv shows that were never present before. Music sounds great. I am sure this will all go up a notch when I get the Sub. If anyone is looking for a decent set of speakers I recommend you atleast take these out for a listen. As with any speakers the best advice is what sounds best to you, but I am very pleased with Definitive Tech.

Hopefully soon I will be able to make a decission on an HD TV to bring this all together. I made an early decission that I wasnt getting the Television till I had the sound quality to merit it. I am glad I went this route even with the old JVC tv I am watching now, Movies have taken on a whole new life with quality sound.

Thanks again, Great place here for learning.

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