The Orek air purifier. The The Oreck XL® Tower Professional Air Purifier is a little pricey at $600 average retail is around $370
Here are some reviews :
I'll give you a first hand review of this product. I had a horrific experience with it. My wife has a few allergies, well actually she is allergic to damn near everything, so we were happy when we received this as a christmas gift one year from my aunt. It worked great, for a while. I cared for it exactly as the instruction manual prescribes, cleaning the collection grid and cleaning/replacing filters as often as necessary. I figured that it was doing a good job, until about a week or so before our wedding. My wife wakes up one night in a severe asthma attack and has hives all over her body. She goes to the E-room and they whisk her right in, give her the necessary medicines and send her home. The next night, the same thing happens, no need for paper work this time, they take her straight to the back. On the third night in a row, they were quite concerned and gave her a steroid based anti-hystamine, females reading this may sympathize since steroids + wedding dress don't usually mix (yay water retention). On the fourth day, my wife reaches to move this unit and her hand instantly breaks out in hives, hmm, wonder how that happened. Well it turns out that short of dunking the whole unit in water, which you can't do if you want it to continue to do it's thing, there is no way to clean a lot of the little nooks and crannies inside the unit, more specifically below the fan area. Turns out some sort of black mold had been collected into the unit and then found it's way into one of the crannies and spread. Apparently no amount of cleaning short of a Q-tip with rubbing alcohol could have prevented this. So this unit goes into the trash, and low and behold the allergic reactions stop, wtg oreck. I will never own another air purifier short of a hepa-filter type unit, a little more expensive and a hassle with the filters, but worth every penny in my opinion. Hope this helps.