Shadows of the Damned PS3



Audioholic Jedi
It got a decent review. My brother picked it up and let me borrow it now that he is done with it. My findings are similar to what the review said, it lacks polish, but it is quite fun to play. The weapons are ridiculous and over the top, the story is crazy, and it is just plain mindless fun. The lack of polish shows up in a camera that is OK most of the time, but once in a while it gives you weird angles. The aiming system is terrible, plain and simple. It is fine when there are only a few enemies, but when there more or during some boss fights, it can quickly get in the way. Overall difficulty is average on the "normal" Demon Hunter setting, but in a few spots it is merciless to the point of being frustrating. Despite the flaws, it is still quite funny and entertaining. Worth a rent, probably not one to pick up new.


Audioholic Jedi
Finished it last night. Still fun, but the final stage was a little disappointing. This is one of those "tougher to get to the final boss fight than it was to kill the boss" kind of games. For the $30 that it is selling for new, and likely a lot less used, I'd say it is fun enough for that price.

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