I need to buy cables & I want to be sure this is the best way to hook-up my system. Can someone confirm it for me?
Cable Box - Scientific Atlanta Explorer 8300 HD DVR from my local cable provider w/1 HDMI output
HD DVD - Toshiba A3 w/HDMI output
AV Receiver - Onkyo TX-SR705 w/2 HDMI Inputs & 1 HDMI Output
HDTV - Mitsubishi DLP WD 62725 w/1 HDMI input
Surround Speakers - AV123 Onix Rocket RS550 Mark II (2 fronts & 2 rears all the same)
Center Channel - AV123 Onix Rocket RSC 200
Subwoofer - Hsu VTF-3 MK3
PureAV Home Theater Power Console - don't know which one yet...
1) Hook the cable box and dvd player up to the AV reciever with hdmi: I'm thinking BJC Series-F?
2) Hook the reciever's output to hdmi 1 on the tv: BJC Series-F again?
3) Get some good speaker wire and hook up speakers to reciever
QUESTION: "Oxygen-Free Copper (OFC)" recommended to me by Adam back in June. ChrisJam said: "Unless you have speaker wire runs over 50-feet, just get 14-gauge lamp-cord wire at a big home store like Lowe's or Home Depot. You can run 14 guage cable about 40 feet without hurting the sound. Any further and you should go to 12 guage. Most people just use 12 gage all the way around." My longest run is 32'. So, 14 or 12? Is this something I should buy from BJC? Do they have it? I know this is going to sound stupid to all of you, but I'm new....Which ends do I buy to hook up to the speakers & do I put them onto the wires myself? If so, my hubby will have to do it.
QUESTION...Just thought of this: Will I be able to play a photo slideshow CD that I burned on my computer onto a cd, or play music cd's on my HD DVD player? If not, I guess I'll have to keep my old DVD player hooked up too. Has RCA & S video, no HDMI. Which should I use here?