I found a good deal on some BP2000TL's and bought them yesterday. I am getting ready to unbox them and hook them up in a bit. I will be running a full signal from my Denon to them via speaker wire, I don't have preouts or amps obviously. I realize my receiver is a weak link but it's the best I could do for now and couldn't pass up the deal on the mains and center channel which I will not be using now.
My question is this, how do I adjust the gain on the sub for a flat response from these mains. I don't know that I am good enough to do it by ear, but I do have a digital SPL meter from radioshack, will this be of any help. I know how to set the levels to match on my receiver, but how do I do the subs in the speakers to match the mids/highs? If I am misunderstanding something or overthinking it here please let me know, I am a semi newb, especially when it comes to a true full range speaker.