Do you have to constantly adjust the bass level depending on the type of music your listening to?
I might be listening to some Jack Johnson and the bass is perfect, then I switch over to some Black Eye Peas and I find the bass is to way to hot and then have to trim it down.
Did I setup my bass correctly?
I have two Emotiva Ultra 12s.
Using a SPL meter(Radio Shack digital,) I set all my speaker levels at 75db.
After setting the speakers, I turned on one sub at a time and adjusted the level to about 67.5db(
7.5db offset 67.5 +7.5 = 75db @ 20hz)
Turned on BOTH subs and adjusted the master sub level down to 67.5 db.
So now my total sub output is 67.5 db (75db with 7.5 offset) which should match my speakers.
Sound correct??????