1. Hopefully you spend some time asking on this site before making a purchase at Best Buy so you can get some quality information and possible comparable alternatives to your purchase. (sorry for off-topic)
I would either try to hide the wires in the wall, which for 7 years is a VERY long time in a home! The work is tough, but speaker wire is really inexpensive. Maybe 100 bucks or so and all the wires for your room are covered, and then some.
Otherwise, if you go to Home Depot, or other online places, they have white tracks that you can put on the wall that can be painted the same color as the wall and contain the wires. Not nearly as pretty, but better than nothing.
You typically would come out of the receiver then down to the floor and track along the baseboard to the speakers, then straight up the wall. I did that, then where it tracked up the wall, I just ran the wire up inside that ONE wall location. About 2 inches of wire came out of the carpet, then into the wall at the bottom, then out of the wall at the top where the speaker was hanging. Very clean and much easier than a full in-wall setup.
When I moved, I left all the old wiring in place so the new owners could more easily set up a 5.1 system.