HI guys , I'm new here as well. I have been looking for a long time for a new sub woofer to replace an old HTB sub. my primary use of the sub woofer would be movies 70%, Games 15% , and Music 5%.
My system is:
Reciver : Denon AVR‑2313CI
Front L &R: B&W 683
Center: Paradigm cc-190

aradigm cinema 90
Subwoofer : onkiyo HTB POS
I have been looking up and down your forums and found that most people agree that SVS is one of the best bang for the buck brands around. So i ask what witch of the NSD line should I go with?
i live in a second story apartment and I plan on moving into a house next year . my current living room is about 15x 13 feet and size kinda matters. Would I be satisfied if I bought the SB12-nsd or the PC12-NSD or even the PB12-NSD. i grew up listing to Sealed sub boxes my entire life and i love the tight bass sound they provide,would i be missing anything if i went with the Sealed over the ported? and the one major factor is my wife... and she does not care what it looks like as long as i have the option to turn it down

(ok maybe money is a factor to)
Thanks for reading my question,