

Audioholic Spartan
I've been a hater of all things Sony for quite a while now. EVERY single Sony product I have ever bought, (TV's, receivers, ES car amps, Walkman), has broken at some point. So the Playstation is the only Sony product I will ever deal with. I stayed with the Playstation because I already had one when the Xbox came out and I didn't feel like buying a whole new system.

Well when I first bought the PS 3 it totally sucked for me because at the time I had a RPTV that only did 480 and 1080. But of course most games at the time were 720p so the PS 3 would downscale them to 480! Completely lame. The Xbox would upscale to 1080 so why couldn't the PS 3 do the same thing? I was livid. But eventually I bought a new TV and my problem was solved. I sure as hell didn't buy a Sony TV though. I bought a Samsung.

Now a few years later my old fat PS 3 finally bit the big one, so I called Sony for service and was told that I could trade my old PS 3 in for a slim for $99. I was giving up backwards compatability and SACD playback but that wasn't a huge deal for me. So I went for it. Well I get the slim last Friday and the first thing I do is plug my 320GB hard drive from my old PS 3 into it. Guess what? Sony does some stupid copyright thing that locks the hard drive to the PS 3 it comes out of. So my new slim immediately wants to format my old hard drive!!!

No way! I've got tons of game saves, music and videos on my hard drive. I call around to Best Buy Geek Squad, local computer repair places and check the internet and alas there is nothing that can be done. There is no way to access my hard drive itself and putting it into any other PS 3 will cause it to be overwritten. I don't know why Sony wants to keep you from being able to swap hard drives but now I am completely screwed.

After admitting defeat I go ahead and format my hard drive and spend all weekend reuploading my music and videos to the hard drive. But all my game saves are gone. I don't even want to think about how much playing time I have invested in Rock Band. Now all of that is gone. At least all of my trophy's should be saved on the Playstation Network, but I'm even screwed there since the network has been down since last Wednesday!! I can redownload all of my files from the network as well, but that is going to take forever. I have hundreds of songs for Rock Band.

So I guess the moral of the story is that I should have been backing up my data. I'll sure be doing that from now on. But I'm still pissed at Sony. :mad:


Audioholic Spartan
You can transfer data from one PS3 to another, but that wouldn't have helped in your situation. I think they are letting playstation plus members save their games to the cloud, but not sure if that's an option yet or not, if not now it will be soon. But you still shouldn't have to pay for that feature, at least I don't think so.

Not to mention their network has been down for a few days, and will still be down for a while longer... I guess you get what you pay for. I still like xbox live better, even though it isn't free.


Audioholic Jedi
$18 will allow you to save online to PSN and then you can transfer that data (Plus), but that is only for 3 months. $50 gets you 15 months. OR you could use a USB HDD and back up the saves that are not protected on a regular basis.

I had the same problem. I pulled my 250G from my 60 when it died and it wouldn't work in my Slim, so I lost a bunch of saves also. I haven't tried it my 60G that I recently had them fix yet, but I am guessing it won't work in that one either because they reflash it and it is techincally a new system. Not exactly sure why they do this, but I am not pleased with it either.


Audioholic Samurai
Sorry to hear about this D, it would be nice if Sony would allow you to back-up the entire HDD for events like. The cloud feature is a nice ideal but having to have PS+ sucks and it really sucks when PSN is down. Copying data from one PS3 to another is cool but not having one in working order defeats that purpose, we all know there is an easier way to do this and why they haven't allowed it is beyond me. Downloading all those songs for Rock Band is going to be like a full-time job so do some stretching and have plenty of beer on hand.:D
mike c

mike c

Audioholic Warlord
is it true that the fat ps3 can't play some of the current new games?
(i have two fat ps3's)

i went to the game store and was about to buy some games when the resident geek told me that not all fat ps3's would work perfectly, he said, he's had reports of game hang or resetting on the fat ps3.


Audioholic Jedi
You can't transfer files directly from one PS3 to another. If you connect them via an ethernet cable to do this, it will duplicate the entire contents of the drive on the first PS3 onto the second one, wiping the destination drive clean and formatting it with the ID# of the destination PS3.

is it true that the fat ps3 can't play some of the current new games?
(i have two fat ps3's)

i went to the game store and was about to buy some games when the resident geek told me that not all fat ps3's would work perfectly, he said, he's had reports of game hang or resetting on the fat ps3.
No, my brother has a 40G fat 2nd gen and plays everything fine. Hanging probably isn't due to the game. If the firmware is up to date, it should play.


Audioholic Samurai
is it true that the fat ps3 can't play some of the current new games?
(i have two fat ps3's)

i went to the game store and was about to buy some games when the resident geek told me that not all fat ps3's would work perfectly, he said, he's had reports of game hang or resetting on the fat ps3.
That's a new one on me I haven't had any issues with any of the latest titles (KZ3, GT5, etc.) My first generation 40GB still runs like a champ, could be that there is an issue with PS3 maintenance which can lead to these issues or that a batch of games are defective but without more information the root cause of these issues are hard to determine.

J Garcia said:
You can't transfer files directly from one PS3 to another. If you connect them via an ethernet cable to do this, it will duplicate the entire contents of the drive on the first PS3 onto the second one, wiping the destination drive clean and formatting it with the ID# of the destination PS3.
Ok copying was the wrong word to use but you know what I meant, Geez not having PSN for awhile has made you a bit grumpy there J.:D
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Audioholic Spartan
You can't transfer files directly from one PS3 to another. If you connect them via an ethernet cable to do this, it will duplicate the entire contents of the drive on the first PS3 onto the second one, wiping the destination drive clean and formatting it with the ID# of the destination PS3.
If that's true then what the hell is the point?!?!?

I just wish that the person at Sony would have bothered to tell me that I couldn't use my old hard drive with the new one. Had she told me that I would have had my old one fixed instead of getting the new one. After I discovered I couldn't use my hard drive I immediately called Sony back and asked if it would be possible to get my old PS 3 back, but no dice.

On the positive side, the new PS 3 is quite a bit smaller than my old one and the fan is definitely quieter. Its weird that the new ones only exhaust out the back where the old ones exhausted out the back and right side. I was going to put in vertical to help with heat but there's no point with the slim.


Audioholic Jedi
Ok copying was the wrong word to use but you know what I meant, Geez not having PSN for awhile has made you a bit grumpy there J.:D
To be honest, I've been out of town for 4 weeks (still am), so I haven't even been on PSN :)

If that's true then what the hell is the point?!?!?

I just wish that the person at Sony would have bothered to tell me that I couldn't use my old hard drive with the new one. Had she told me that I would have had my old one fixed instead of getting the new one. After I discovered I couldn't use my hard drive I immediately called Sony back and asked if it would be possible to get my old PS 3 back, but no dice.
Yeah, I've had bad experience with customer service there as well. They told me I could send mine in without a hard drive. I called them back when I received the mailing box and that person said it must have the original drive in it. I presume that is so they could transfer the files for you if needed (possibly using the ethernet connection method?) So two people told me two different things, and I have no idea which is correct, but I put the drive in it. If they just told you about the fact that you can't move a drive from one to the other, there wouldn't be an issue.

The thing is, they don't guarantee you will get the same system back. That means it will be the same type if that is what you choose, but could be a refurb unit not your same unit repaired (and I am guessing that is more likely than not). That would mean your hard disc still wouldn't work.

The only reason they give you this capability is if you bought a newer model, you could transfer everything to the new one in one shot. That doesn't mean much if your old one dies.

On the positive side, the new PS 3 is quite a bit smaller than my old one and the fan is definitely quieter. Its weird that the new ones only exhaust out the back where the old ones exhausted out the back and right side. I was going to put in vertical to help with heat but there's no point with the slim.
I had them send me back the 1st gen 60G because that's what I paid for, even though it cost me more to do it, on top of what I paid for it originally.


Audioholic Samurai
I smell a class action coming on.....

Once this guy gets into your network.....there's no turning back...

Oh and thats a picture of me before I met Jenny Craig by the way.
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Audioholic Samurai
Sony finally put a Q&A section over at their blog about this security breech for those looking for some answers, also it declares that a new firmware update is on the way.

Q: When or how can I change my PlayStation Network password?

A: We are working on a new system software update that will require all users to change their password once PlayStation Network is restored. We will provide more details about the new update shortly


Audioholic Samurai
Homeland Security and the FBI are now looking for the hackers that brought down PSN. Sony will also be offering a Welcome Back Package which will vary according to region but the core components will be this:

  • Each territory will be offering selected PlayStation entertainment content for free download. Specific details of this content will be announced in each region soon.
  • All existing PlayStation Network customers will be provided with 30 days free membership in the PlayStation Plus premium service.
  • Current members of PlayStation Plus will receive 30 days free service.
  • Music Unlimited powered by Qriocity subscribers (in countries where the service is available) will receive 30 days free service.


Audioholic Spartan
Homeland Security and the FBI are now looking for the hackers that brought down PSN. Sony will also be offering a Welcome Back Package which will vary according to region but the core components will be this:

  • Each territory will be offering selected PlayStation entertainment content for free download. Specific details of this content will be announced in each region soon.
  • All existing PlayStation Network customers will be provided with 30 days free membership in the PlayStation Plus premium service.
  • Current members of PlayStation Plus will receive 30 days free service.
  • Music Unlimited powered by Qriocity subscribers (in countries where the service is available) will receive 30 days free service.
Sorry but that's not enough. None of those services interest me, but at least Sony is doing something.


Audioholic Jedi
Yeah, what does a free month of Plus do anyone when in order to keep/use much of the content that is Plus specific you have to continue to pay? NOT.


Audioholic Samurai
I wonder is they are gonna throw in free rootkits as well as they have done in the past! If thats the case I might have to run out and buy me a PS3!!!


Audioholic Samurai
I wonder is they are gonna throw in free rootkits as well as they have done in the past! If thats the case I might have to run out and buy me a PS3!!!
Nope that will be apart of any paid DLC for any future games.:eek::D

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