Hey dudes,
I originally joined Netflix a couple of years ago. I was reasonably happy with the service. Then Blockbuster's Total Access program came along and I switched. I liked the BB service, but switched back to Netflix when BB started raising their rates.
So I've been back with Netflix for about 6 months now, and I've noticed over the last few months that more and more of my movies aren't shipping out on the same day that they get my returns. First it was every other month, then it became every month, now it's become a weekly occurrance. Not only that, but my last 4 movies have shipped from other places. One shipped from MA and I'm in CA!!!! Then when it FINALLY got to me, (took 3 days to ship), it was broken!!!
I don't know if I'm on some kind of "screw this guy over" list or something, because I tend to try to watch my movies and send them back right away, but I'm tired of waiting 3 days to get a movie.
So, the point of this long diatribe is that I'm going back to BB. I called Netflix and asked them why my movies keep shipping so late and they gave me some crap about how when a movie isn't in my local center, the system automatically looks for it in other places. But there are about 10 shipping centers in my time zone. Why are they shipping to me from MA, KY and TX?!?!
BB has a policy where if a movie isn't local, they'll skip down to the next movie on your queue, so you're not waiting more than 2 days for a movie.