Congrats on the HT-3s, a really fine speaker. It is a power hungry speaker, but the XPA-2 is plenty powerful. I don't know
for certain if this amp is stable below 3 ohms impedance, but I suspect it will be fine for your speakers.
If Jim Salk says these amps can (and do) drive his speakers - you should take that to the bank.
What various posters on this forum say - not so much. Some of them, although they are nice guys, have been known to advise others to buy exaggerated and expensive levels of overkill that they themselves cannot afford.
Jim Salk has an agreement with Frank Van Alstine, who owns
AVA. They both share display rooms at various audio shows around the country, and they both own each others' audio gear. Both make excellent products at very good prices. Frank Van Alstine has a pair of Salk HT-3 speakers and uses them as reference speakers when testing new amps. If you want another opinion, ask Frank. When he tries to sell you the FET Valve 600R, his top-of-the-line amp, be sure to tell him what your price limit is

Dennis Murphy, who designed the HT-3 speaker, uses an older AVA amp, equivalent to the present day
AVA Insight+ 260 amp. It is rated at 130 watts/channel and is stable as low as 2 ohms. He has driven other amps into failure with these speakers, but that AVA amp does well with them. I have heard that speaker driven by that amp at his house, and it drives them to very loud levels.
If you really want to spend the extra money, the
AVA Insight+440 amp would be excellent. Ask Frank Van Alstine if he recommends the Double Die option for this amp, as it would allow the amp to deliver double the current.