on my yamaha dvd-750 only the delay settings for the c, and lr,rr channels are adjustable not the mains. I ve read that one ms is equal to 1.1 ft spk distance from listening postion. MY QUESTION:my set up is as follows:
mains 8ft from list.pos.(LP)
center 9ft
rears 3 ft
I am told ideally all spks should be the same dist from the LP but rite now that is not possible. so if i cant adjust the delay of mains( I assume then there is 0 delay then) should my delay for the center be 8ms( 9ft x 1.1ft/ms =8.8ms) and rears be set to an appoximate 3 ms or should the delay for the center be 1ms because it is one foot futher away? If this is the case then my rears would have to be set to a negative because they are closer which cannot be done.