
Audioholic Intern
I have one of these on the way. Anyone use one of these with klipsch Fortes? Any suggestions for setup? Good place to set the crossover? General advice on integration? I appreciate the help, Chip. Two channel only.


Audioholic Jedi
Seems they have a -3dB of 32Hz, so I would likely start with an 80Hz x-over, but you might be able to get it down to as low as 60Hz. What integration? What receiver/pre are you using?


Audioholic Intern
I have a Yamaha A S1000 and will be connecting to the pre outs. This will be two channel.


Audioholic Intern
BTW, I also have a Cambridge Audio 840e, but I don't plan on using it with that system. Either way it is two channel.


Audioholic Jedi
I don't thing that is what those pre outs are for on the S1000? On my integrated if you disconnect them, you get no sound because they are normally jumpered to the main in. To do that, you would need to split them and feed them back into the main in and to the sub as well.

The integrated will likely have no crossover, so you will be dialing the crossover in yourself. If you really want to do it correctly, you will need to purchase a SPL meter and get some tones so that you can measure response around the crossover point as well as set the level of the sub relative to the mains. Otherwise, it is just done by ear to your liking.


Audioholic Intern
The manual says a sub connects to the pre out. About the spl meter. That's where I am lost. Is these a site that explains subwoofer setup for dummies? I love music, but I am technologically challenged.:eek:.



Audioholics Five-0
The manual says a sub connects to the pre out. About the spl meter. That's where I am lost. Is these a site that explains subwoofer setup for dummies? I love music, but I am technologically challenged.:eek:.

Hi Chip,

I believe you'll want to run the pre-outs of the Yamaha to the line ins of the Rythmik amp and then another pair of cables from the line out of the Rythmik (which are filtered at 80Hz) to the "main ins" of the Yamaha. Since the filter of the line output of the Rythmik amplifier is hard set to 80Hz, I'd expect that will be where you'd want to set the XO on it as well.


Audioholic Overlord
I have one of these on the way. Anyone use one of these with klipsch Fortes? Any suggestions for setup? Good place to set the crossover? General advice on integration? I appreciate the help, Chip. Two channel only.

I hope SVS sees this as good PR. Here is their recommendation for your speakers. They have a pretty nice thing going with their Merlin sub setup wizard!

1 AV Receiver or Surround Sound Processor Performing Digital Bass Management
Recommended Speaker/Subwoofer Crossover Frequency (Hz) is 60 Hz

2 2 - Channel Application Recommended Low Pass Filter Frequency Setting (Hz) is 31.5 Hz
Recommended Low Pass Filter Slope (dB/octave) is 24 dB/octave
Merlin - SVS
mike c

mike c

Audioholic Warlord
why doesn't he just do this:

yamaha > preouts to subwoofer > subwoofer outputs > back to yamaha inputs




Audioholic Intern
Thanks for all the help. What I hear a couple of you saying is to connect the preouts on the yammie (RCA) to the line in on the Rythmic. Then connect the line out on the Rythmic to the main ins on the yammie. Right?

I am a noob, so may I ask a couple questions? 1) the yammie manual says to do the first part, but it doesn't mention connecting the sub back to the main ins? Can this do any harm? 2) If the Rythmic is connected back to the yammie main ins can it compromise sq? 3) If I connect the sub back to the main ins, it seems like the sub then becomes something of a crossover. Does that mean my main speaker will no longer get the full signal?

I have wanted to add a sub for some time, but I have never gotten into home theatre. So even the language is all new. Thanks again for all the help.


Audioholics Five-0
Thanks for all the help. What I hear a couple of you saying is to connect the preouts on the yammie (RCA) to the line in on the Rythmic. Then connect the line out on the Rythmic to the main ins on the yammie. Right?

I am a noob, so may I ask a couple questions? 1) the yammie manual says to do the first part, but it doesn't mention connecting the sub back to the main ins? Can this do any harm?
I believe that it is necessary to get any output from the Yamaha, other than using a splitter cable that j_garcia recommended.

2) If the Rythmic is connected back to the yammie main ins can it compromise sq?
I think the biggest potential for degradation of sound quality would be the potential for noise depending on how far the Yammy will be from the Rythmik.

3) If I connect the sub back to the main ins, it seems like the sub then becomes something of a crossover. Does that mean my main speaker will no longer get the full signal?
Correct. The Line Out of the Rythmik has a fixed high pass filter at 80Hz.


Audioholic Intern
Thanks again,

The following comes from Rythmic. These are the three settings for low pass:

----Low pass slope setting
Use EXT/12 with bass management or externalcrossover.
Otherwise, use 80 Hz/24.
50 Hz/24 is for full range main speakers crossing to subwoofer at or below 50 Hz.----

If I choose 50 Hz, does that mean my main speakers won't receive a signal above that?

I won't ask any more questions today, as I hate being a pest. But I definitely appreciate the help. Although I am new to subs, I am not new to two channel and I have participated on several forums. Generally speaking, audio guys (don't like the term "audiophile") are a good lot of fellows.



Audioholic Samurai
Your mains are plenty capable of taking a full range signal, so you don't necessarily have to route the signal to the sub and back if you don't want to. That's just added complexity, more wire, and more chance to degrade the signal, to solve a problem your fortes just don't have.

Read this.


Audioholics Five-0
Thanks again,

The following comes from Rythmic. These are the three settings for low pass:

----Low pass slope setting
Use EXT/12 with bass management or externalcrossover.
Otherwise, use 80 Hz/24.
50 Hz/24 is for full range main speakers crossing to subwoofer at or below 50 Hz.----

If I choose 50 Hz, does that mean my main speakers won't receive a signal above that?
Hi Chip,

The low pass filter only affects the signal to the subwoofer, not the signal to the speakers. If you utilize the Level Outs of the subwoofer to the Main Ins of the Yamaha, then you would have a high pass to the speakers at 80Hz, ie frequencies under 80Hz would be filtered (although I'm unsure of the slope of that crossover). If you utilize this setup, I believe you would want to set the low pass filter to 80Hz/24 and move the XO knob to 80Hz.

Conversely, if you use a splitter and don't use the high pass, it sounds like 50Hz/24 would be the better option. This would send a full signal to your Fortes. In this case, you would want to play with the crossover knob a bit to improve the integration since your Fortes can play to 50Hz and below with authority.

I won't ask any more questions today, as I hate being a pest.
Don't worry, you're not a pest. Wouldn't be much of a forum if nobody had questions.

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