If you go to AV University on the home page, there's lots of info on cabling (whether big and expensive=better and if strand count matters) and all kinds of other things. One of hte biggest factors in what you need is in how you listen to what's playing. If you never think about the equipment when you're using it, don't get caught up in the debates and BS that flies around, about cabling, connectors and everything else. For a room of your size, 16 ga is fine. Don't worry about strands, price, brand, etc. If you want to make life easier for possible future needs, use 4 conductor. That way, if one conductor has a problem, you don't need to run new wires. 4 conductor also works for a single ceiling speaker that handles both channels. You should also use wires that are rated for in-wall use. This has a plastic jacket over the wires, not the stuff with the clear insulation.
If you aren't the type who gets all bunched up by minute details, who uses what and trying to keep up with the Jones's, don't worry about speaker wire. Also, the big name brands are often overpriced and selling the impossible. Parts Express, Monoprice and others sell at decent prices.
Do you have a basement, or do you plan to go in the attic? How old is the house? If it's old enough that it doesn't have plywook sub flooring, you'll be able to see where the wall framing is from underneath (provided you have a basement)