I posted this in the cable section, but don't seem to be getting much activity. This forum seems like it gets more traffic. Mods can feel free to delete on of these threads if they feel like it.
I apologize if this has already been covered, but I did a search and didn't really find what I'm looking for.
I just bought a new entertainment center last night, and my new Yamaha 661 will be here on Monday, (damn Fed-Ex Ground ). My current set-up is a complete miasma of wires going every which way behind my stereo cabinet. Since I have to rerun all my wires anyway, I want to do it right this time.
My plan is to cut 2 holes, one on the left and one on the right, in the back of each cabinet shelf for wires. I plan to run all the power cables down the left side of each shelf, and other cables down the right side. My question is this: Do the power cables need to be as far away from ALL the other wires as possible, or are there other cables that I car route along the left side with them, (i.e. Do fiber optic cables need to be separated from speaker cables and so on)? If so, that seems like a whole lot of cables going along the right side, with just a few going down the left side.