After some careful consideration of my budget, I've decided to move up a bit - seeing as I'd like to get the right stuff the first time around instead of buying something that I'll have to upgrade sooner or later - I've narrowed down the offerings to the aforementioned A/V receivers. I'll have to wait a couple more months for the speakers I want but hopefully the full setup will be with me for many years to come, so that's a small price to pay.
Any comments on the two?
It would appear that the Pioneer MCACC included in this version also has EQ adjustments - something I believe the Yamaha doesn't. Apart from that, power ratings appear identical, they have 7.1 external decoder inputs, 7.1 pre-outs, price is nearly identical. The Pioneer doesn't do component video switching however.
In the only UK review I found of the AX3, they rate it really highly. The UK price is around 6-700 British pounds. I found it for closer to 500 at a reputable online store locally - appears to be great value for money and a class above the Yamaha.
The UK price of the Yamaha RX-V650 for comparison is in comparison only about 300 pounds.
Is the Pioneer an older, but higher class, model to be selling at this price?