Rotel RSX-1057.
There must have been some kind of short. The receiver had been acting funny occasionally, usually when watching TV, but also with CD input and tuner as well. It would fuzz out and get really quiet, static-y, unrecognizable noise, underwater. It would reset itself if I turned it off or even just switched inputs or any button push, and then be good for a while. It would happen more on TV than any other input. I thought maybe it was overheating, though it didn't feel especially hot. I moved it and made sure of plenty of air around.
This happened again, but this time the static and noise was alarming enough that I jumped up and turned it off quickly. Now the receiver will only produce sound in 2.0. Adding in sub produces nothing, as does any of the multi-channel settings, regardless of input choice.
I have removed and inspected all connections to no avail. I have opened up the case and nothing jumps out as burned or crispy. None of the physical connections are loose or sketchy. I have tried to run it with each individual input attached alone, each in turn... no go.
Ideas? Thanks in advance!!