Right now I'm back home from school for the summer and have my AV gear all packed up until I go back to school in the fall. I'm looking to upgrade to a 5.1 HT/Music system and only have room for one amp so this one has to go. Here is the owners manual on Rotel's website: http://www.rotel.com/support/pdfs/manuals/rb980bx.pdf This amp is an 8/10 on the audiogon scale for age; Though a budget amp, it sounds great and I've enjoyed it for the 6 or so months I've used it powering my Onix Rocket 750s in my 2-channel system. This is definately one of the best values for a sweet sounding 2-channel amp. Price is $300 shipped obo; best way to contact me is email James.Regmund at Gmail dot com Here is the only pic I have (its the second one on the rack):