Believe it or not, a larger room can be better for bass than a small one. Why? Less cancellation and you will get full development of the waves at frequencies that are shorter than the length of the room. I experienced this in a friend's place who has a HUGE great room too, and a single SVS cylinder was able to provide solid performance. I've heard bigger subs than that in smaller rooms and it doesn't work as well. Though I understand how sound works in a room, until I heard that sub in that room, I had no idea just how MUCH of a difference it can make on the bass. That's one of the reasons why when I am looking at a new place to live, I go for the places with the largest rooms. Room shape is a factor as well, as the exact ratios play into how cancellation does or does not occur at various frequencies, so in your case, you probably do simply have a room with good acoustics.