<P><SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial"><A href="http://www.audioholics.com/productreviews/avhardware/RiverCableFlexygy8p1.php"><IMG style="WIDTH: 125px; HEIGHT: 93px" alt=[river] hspace=10 src="http://www.audioholics.com/news/thumbs/river_th.jpg" align=left border=0></A>If you are looking for me to describe the chocolaty midrange or airiness of these cables, you are reading the wrong publication. I only hear differences in cables that are poorly designed, and subsequently have poor corresponding measurements. The Flexygy 8 doesn’t fall under the “poorly designed” category by any means. I recommend these cables to consumers wishing to purchase a top-notch, nicely crafted esoteric speaker cable that can fit under their carpet and also have a grade A appearance terminated to their speakers and amplifiers</SPAN></P>
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