Ripping your DVD Audio Commentaries to your MP3 Player



Junior Audioholic
<sp><sp>If you are like me you like the audio commentaries on your favorite DVD’s but you have so much media that you want to catch up with that it’s difficult to make the time to sit down and listen all the way through. Well I have come up with a solution, possibly not an eloquent one but a solution that suits me and perhaps might work for you as well. I rip them to my Ipod and listen to them while driving or shopping, doing dishes ect. You would be surprised how much time actually goes into these daily activities. It isn’t difficult at all to go through a commentary a day. <br><br>
<sp><sp>I have an older generation Ipod that just like a Timex keeps on ticking, so as a consequence I don’t have video functionality, which is fine for me I don’t care to have it anyway. I know there are programs available on the net for ripping DVD’s into the MP4 format so that you can watch them on the Ipod, what I do not know is whether or not that includes the secondary audio tracks or whether or not they are included in the movies you can buy from Itunes but my guess is they do not. If however I am wrong about that then the rest of this may be unnecessary. <br><br>
<sp><sp>I did a search of the web to get a free program that will rip audio commentaries into an Mp3 format but didn’t come up with one. Perhaps you might have more luck. It may be worth a try because an all in one solution would be better. <br><br>
<sp><sp>To get commentaries ripped off your DVD’s on to your MP3 player you need a couple of free programs that are available on the net. <br><br>
1. First is DVD Decrypter. You use DVD Decrypter to rip the movies on to your hard drive. Make sure that Decrypter is set to the IFO Mode. Create a new folder on your desktop for this file. When Decrypter is finished there will be a file with an .IFO extention.<br> <br>
2. Download a program called PgcDemux. Demux is a program that will take will give you separate audio files of the tracks contained within the IFO file. The program unfortunately creates these files in AC3 format, which will require you to convert them to .mp3. You may be able to find a program that has more functionality but I did not. <br><br>
3. The Third step is converting the AC3 file to Mp3. Keep in mind that these last two programs run rather quickly so it isn’t quite as laborious as it sounds. The program I used is actually two free programs “BeSweet” and a gui interface “BeLight” that makes “BeSweet” a little more user friendly. The download instructions should be read but if I can do it you can certainly. Once you run the AC3 file through BeLight you will have an Mp3 file. Remember to add an .MP3 extension if you rename the file. This method is also handy to get portable versions of music off your favorite music DVD-A’s. <br><br><sp><sp>It has been nice for me getting some second life out of my DVD collection by finally getting to listen to the commentaries. For me if I know the film well it really doesn’t matter that I can’t see what is on the screen. I’d like to hear what some of your favorite tracks are?


Audioholic Intern
Awesome information on pgcDemux. I have been looking everywhere for a way to extract 5.1 ac3 files from concert DVDs (the cheapest source of 5.1 music I have found).

I have been a reader of the audoholics site for years and just signed up so I could ask how to do this. Before I posted I did one last search and found your topic.

Thanks for sharing this.

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