And I thought ripping disc was illegal?
So how are they getting around percussion from the RIAA or what every organisation that sues people to illegal music.
You are confusing DVD/BR with CD's for starters.
1. It's not illegal to transcode content
2. It's illegal in the US to either create or distribute tools that break encryption schemes on DVD or BR so you CAN transcode content.
The jury is still out on whether using those tools is illegal since a person in the privacy of their own home doing this to their DVD collection that they own has never seen the inside of a court room.
If Sony put out a BR title with ZERO encryption you would be in zero trouble for copying it for your own personal use. It's the breaking of the encryption that is still a grey area for the consumer.
Remember that Fair Use isn't a right. It is simply an affirmative defense in court when the charge of copyright infringement is leveled against you.