

Audioholic Jedi
Oh, man. I'm very sorry to see that. I always really enjoyed watching him. He was an intelligent, knowledgeable, and genuine person.


Audioholic Overlord
This was so shocking when I first heard about it on tv. I always enjoyed "Meet the Press" as Tim was NOT afraid to ask the tough questions that others only dreamed of asking. There was very little skirting of the issues allowed on his show. Really sad to see him go as he will truly be missed. Rest in Peace. :(:(




I just saw that as well. Very sad, he seemed like a really good guy. He will be missed on NBC as he was their main political analyst......


Senior Audioholic
Tim Russert was probably the only guy left at NBC that had no obvious political leaning and was pretty fair across the board with everyone, he was tough, consistent, geniune and had an honest sincere love of Politics and its inner workings, he educated millions of viewers who otherwise may not have participated in the process. When folks in media pass they always champion them as dedicated, nice, hard working blah blah blah but for some reason you get a genuine feeling that in Mr. Russert's case it was actually true, god speed Mr Russert and God Bless those he left behind. Maybe tonight he is at a desk interviewing JFK, Lincoln, Washington and anyone else he surely is interested in talking to.


Audioholic Samurai
Awful shame, and R.I.P. Tim Russert. I agree with everyone above; if the media were to have any sense of credibility in times like these he played no small part in it for sure. He will be missed.
adk highlander

adk highlander

Sith Lord
I am very saddened by the loss of Tim Russert. There are not many I truly felt I could trust to ask the questions we wanted to know and not pulling them from some approved list. I will miss his presence in our upcoming elections and he will not be replaced anytime soon.
News interviewers as a whole just got a lot less threatening to politicians. He did a really good job and there aren't many left in the industry with any clout who aren't afraid to ask tough questions. Most are worried that they might never be allowed to talk to the politician again directly if they do.

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