Well... the ongoing subwoofer saga, sigh. A couple months ago I introduced a Rhythmik lv12m, a 12" ported model, that is in place of my (beloved, as you may know if you've seen my other praises of it) RSL 10s mk2. I've had the Rhyth in there for a couple months now, after becoming persuaded by reviews and forums that it would be superior to the RSL, particularly in the lower reaches... not that I really felt deprived by the 10s, but hey if you can have it all...
OK, so here's where I'm at: yeah, the
Ryth gets down lower. A little bit. But
I'm not sure I care, yet. I've been using the peq, and my REW w Umik, trying all sorts of settings, from flat to rolled off to... well you get the drift. I still can't get it to integrate as well as the RSL 10s mk2, w my Q Acoustics Concept 50 mains; the 10s was effortless in that regard. And, the Rhyth doesn't sound as dynamic, or "quick," and impactful without over-heaviness, as the RSL. And, with video/movies, the Rhyth declarifies vocal dialogue, unlike the RSL which clarified that critical range. And finally, and here's really what motivated me to instigate this thread:
I was cranking Boston's first album while lifting weights in my listening/living suite... and I'll be damned if I didn't detect what I think might have been
port noise or port distortion (or something) with the Rhyth. I'm only measuring about 88 db or so, give or take, so that shouldn't be too tough to handle. No matter how I cranked the RSL 10s, I never heard anything that I even suspected was port noise, and in fact hardly even knew the RSL was there at all other than the impact it was providing as it just disappears.
What's going on here?
Is it really possible that I'm hearing some sort of port noise from the Rhythmik?getaway shootout And, would that also explain why it still won't integrate as seamlessly and even be occasionally localizable, which was never a problem with the RSL?
If so, that'd be the nail in the coffin for that Rhythmik model, and back to the trusty 10s I'd go... and maybe I shouldn't have ventured off that 10s ship in the first place since I already knew I liked it.