One problem is, here on this site, there is no data, no REW measurements that take us beyond the 'snake oil' that this site avoids.
Are you looking for other's REW measurements to compare? If so, are you looking for measurements using Audyssey, or Dirac Live or Dirac Live with Bass Control, and those using the AV10? You must know that everyone has different room, speakers, placements etc., so even if can compare with other AV10 user's, it won't likely be easy to conclude whether yours the best you can do or you can still tweak for better results.
What you show now, assuming smoothing used is not more than 1/12, it looks good and in my own setups, I would say it would look typical, but with lots of tweaks you can make it look better, even much better (like mine

) but it may not give you better listening experience in real world use. I like tweaking, as I like to see smoother, flatter response, at least up t around 200 Hz, but I only do it for fun, not that I could hear better overall sound quality from such flatter, say +/- 1.5 dB no smoothing between 20-150 Hz vs +/- 3.5 dB.