Everything I have is old, but right now I'm interested in replacing just the receiver and looking for advice/recommendations.
Here's the setup I've got right now.
Receiver: Technics SA-918. I want to replace this so I can a.) get a Logitech Squeezebox to listen to all the music I only have in digital format on my computer; b.) have a way for friends to bring an ipod to a party and play it on the stereo; and c.) use my stereo speakers instead of the built-in speakers in my TV set when watching TV/DVDs.
Speakers: a pair of Boston Acoustics CR9s. Ideally, I'd like to keep these and not have to buy any additional speakers for a while yet.
CD Player: Technics SL-PC705 5-disc changer. This is staying.
Turntable: Technics SL-BD20. I'd really like to keep this, as I've still got a few vinyl LPs and 45s that aren't available in any other format. But I hardly ever listen to any of them, so if push comes to shove the turntable and the old receiver can stay in the closet until I have a chance to get some more speakers and find a place to set up a second "retro" audio-only system.
Cassette deck: Technics RS-TR333. This, I'm not too bothered about keeping.
That's the audio side. The completely separate (although sitting on the same ugly shelves) video setup is as follows.
TV: Philips 32PT8230. 32" standard-ratio (4:3) HDTV (1080i). This is staying for now although in a couple of years it might get replaced with a thinner, widescreen, non-interlaced model.
Cablebox/HD-DVR: This is a Motorola box from Verizon FIOS. Obviously, not something I can replace or upgrade.
DVD: Toshiba SD-2109. Will be replaced by a Blu-Ray player at some point.
VCR: an old JVC machine that I'm not too bothered about keeping.
My main concern is that most of the A/V receivers under $500 (which is ideally suited to my budget right now, especially if I'm picking up a Squeezebox at the same time) don't have a dedicated phono input. The ones that do seem to be in the next step up, closer to $800. I'm not sure I need to spend $300 to have the theoretical ability to listen to my beloved scratchy old vinyl that I almost never listen to anyway.
I've looked at the "Entry-Level Receivers" and "$500 Receivers" articles on the main Audioholics page, and I'm leaning toward the Yamaha RX-V365 or RX-V565, unless I decide that I really want to have the turntable available, in which case I'd go for the Denon AVR-890.
So, any thoughts, recommendations, caveats?