I have some questions regarding revising my home theater and speaker setup. Currently using Yamaha RS-V995 along with 4 Bose 301s.
Two bose 301s in main room (15'x20' with 15' ceiling), two in adjacent room (15'x15' with 12' ceiling). There is only a 1/2 wall on the ceiling between rooms. I'm 50/50 regarding the need to play music, and watching movies TV.
Would like to do the following:
Create a 5.1 surround sound in my main (A) room...5 speakers and a sub, with two speakers in (B) room. RS-V995 is 5.1 surround.
Plan to install big screen TV in main room with a signal repeater from TV to remote cabinet with all components to include Reciever, blue ray, cable box, and maybe a DVR at some point.
Will run HDMI, CAT5, and whatever wire the repeater will require in the wall from TV location to component cabinet.
Would like to install IN WALL speakers (a total of 7, 5 for (A) room, and two in (B) room
My thoughts were to install two larger in wall speakers (say 6 or 8" diameter woofers) for front surround in main room, and two of the same in room B.
Smaller speakers (maybe 4 or 5" woofers) in main room, along with center, and sub.
Thinking that I could play music (which I like loud and clear) through the larger fronts in (A) room, and the two in the (B) room
Then also have 5.1 surround in main room for movies and TV
Would like to be able to procure the speakers and all "guts" to the system first for the install, and possibly get away with using my Yamaha RS-V995 for a while.
RS-V995 does not have HDMI, but do I really need that? Can I run high def video from the blue ray/cable box without the need for cabability for receiver?
If not, is there a way to "get away" with using this reciever for a while with this setup? If I have to forgo high def for a while, I can deal with that.
Since I can use the sub for music base in the main room (A), and not so much in room (B), should I go with larger woofers in room B relative to room a fronts?
I have quotes for both Atlas and OnQ Legrand in wall speakers from a wholesaler, but I can't find reviews on either brand. I'm told that in many cases...despite the speaker specs, you can be paying more for a brand name for no reason. For example I've seen 12" subs with virtually the same sound specs who's prices are 50% different.
Do you have feedback on the speakers above, or can you suggest others in a price range of say.....$150 to $200 per speaker? Am I going to get decent sound in this price range? I know I can spend many thousands on speakers....which I can't....but could spend a little more if need be.....I don't want to do this twice!
Is the power output of my RS-V995 adequate for my needs and this setup, or should I be looking at something more powerful if/when I upgrade?
Almost all the latest 5.1 receivers I see do not appear to be able to support the B room speakers I refer to. Should I be looking at a 7.1 system which I can "adjust" to accomodate my B location needs?
Wow...sorry this is so long....just wanted to give the full picture. Thank you in advance for any advice!