

Full Audioholic
I havent seen to much info on remotes and am looking for some advice. Basically I have 5 remotes I need to get into one. Since I know my remotes arent automatically programed in most universal remotes I am looking ideally for a remote that can learn individual buttons. A remote that can learn any button from any remote is ideal. Also if possible I want one that looks great...and LCD screen, or some type of ilumination would be great..any ideas? price is no object


If money is no object check out Crestron or AMX!

But I must warn you even though money is no object these will run you about $6000 Cdn for the base model packages and can go up to over $15000.

So if you are looking for the kings of remotes these are them... If money is now an object let me know and I will let you know alot of other more affordable options. But if money was no object for me it would be a no brainer, Crestron Isys all the way baby!!!


Audioholic Warlord
Crestron/AMX - These control system based units not only will control all your IR devices, but will integrate with any RS-232 controllable devices (ie: Yamaha & other higher end receivers) very well. Some remotes are hard wired, but many use RF for wireless communication (not IR). This means that your equipment can truly be buried with no IR repeater system or anything else. AMX does have some with IR capability.

A Crestron, entry level package with a RF receiver, control system, and 5.7" color touchpanel is (MSRP) $3,800.00 (plus you will need programming)
Less expensive is the system with a hard button remote that has the same processor & RF receiver for $2,150.00

What is the beauty of these systems? Well, the main thing is that the theater is just the beginning - they are very, VERY expandable. If you aren't happy with your current remote, then get a new one, a bigger one, a smaller one, whatever. It will work with the control system you have. You can use 20+ remotes, or just one remote with the system. You can actually utilize zone 2 (or 3) of your system to pump audio around the house and have a remote that will control it from anywhere in the house. Tested range on the RF is about 1,000 feet... how big is your house?

I use Crestron myself and really like the ML-500 which is their hard-button remote. The control system ensures that all commands are properly performed and I can switch between my plasma display and my projector with the touch of a button. All sources are one-touch available, and there is tons of practical functionality available to me. I also have an older touchpanel & web control. The web control uses Internet Explorer so I can monitor and check my system from anywhere in the world.

Anyways: The option is the Pronto and Marantz style remotes which basically use IR and do not have a lot of additional logic available to them to control systems. You can learn any IR remote with them and they are in the $300-$1,000.00 range. They will also need to be programmed. I have heard (and seen) very mixed results with the RF adapters available for them. They also can be a little picky about learning some codes. Finally, I have heard of basic problems with their memory being lost sometimes. But, they do a far superior job than many other remotes on the market and offer a touchpanel for style, and macros to automate startup and shutdown procedures.

Check for used Crestron & AMX gear and you will always find some very good prices that may run half of MSRP - or less. Also, Yahoo user groups have a great Crestron forum.


Full Audioholic
ok...6,000-15,000 is not in my budget out of principle. My whole system is worth about 18,000, so it doesnt make sense to me. Lets say $3,00-$1,000.

Right now I am using a Rotel RR-969 which alows each individule button to be programed. The problem is I am on my third one as they arnt built very well and in my opinion it looks like crap.

Ideally I would like a remote that can learn radio signals as well so I can use it to control my Fan, blinds..etc

It really should be fairly easy to hold and easy to use, as my wife has very small hands and just wants it to work with ease. She is however not dumb and will learn if it makes sense and I teach her.

Any other brand names you can think of that fits my needs? Should I be looking on this site?



Full Audioholic
by the way this will only be used in one zone of my loft. I only have one system and the whole loft is open apx 1,200 square feet so I can be anywhere and use it.


I would check out the philips Pronto series, either the TSU7000 or the TSi6400 iPronto would be perfect for you... They are excellent remotes.


Full Audioholic
Markus...that philips pront sounds perfect! are you able to clarify what this feature is? "Radio frequency for devices not in line of sight, via RF extender" does that mean it will learn the redio frequences from my fan remote? what is the RF extender?


Full Audioholic
Markus...that philips pront sounds perfect! are you able to clarify what this feature is? "Radio frequency for devices not in line of sight, via RF extender" does that mean it will learn the redio frequences from my fan remote? what is the RF extender?


Full Audioholic
cant seem to find a dealer of Philips remotes in Vancouver BC. If you know of a good place online to buy one please let me know..thanks


Audioholic Warlord
RF requires a specific frequency to operate on and as far as I am aware, there is no remote that use a bunch of different RF frequencies as well as the correct codes within those frequencies to control devices. So, your hope for a product that will do that is slim to none as far as I know.

Unless Philips has improved their RF capabilities, you are playing Russian Roulette with their RF capabilities. We ran into problems about 30% of the time installing the RF receiver and having it work more than 10 feet from the receiver in homes. So, we stopped offerring the RF option to clients.

Crestron is worlds (WORLDS!) better at what you are looking to do.

You can actually get very inexpensive stuff that will work if you check eBay. But, the programming of them is intense, and for an amateur is a good hobby to learn about.

A Pronto still requires a fair amount of programming, but also has forums and example programs that make things easier.

99% of home integration though is buying equipment that actually is designed to be integrated. There is a ton of stuff that works, but I most specifically avoid products that are RF and have proprietary control schemes. The better a company is, the more open it is with codes and control. Yamaha, in my opinion, is a world class leader in this regard with it's receivers with both Pronto & RS-232 codes available on its website as well as pre-written Crestron & AMX macros.

If you get this:

and this:

You can control all of your equipment from one small hand held RF remote that will work flawlessly anywhere in your home... or across the street.

For a little more bling to your system, you could add this:


You can buy the remote from, I purchased my iPronto from them and there service is first rate. Also you will get the remote alot cheaper from them then you would locally.

Also the RF extender only entends infraRed signals that are out of the line of sight, like if you have your equipment in a cabinet. But the good part about them is you can fully design your own custom layout with the pronto software so you will have a pronto like no one else's in the world!!! and they will learn any IR signal you can possibly throw at them.

All you do is create the buttons on your computer, then download the configuration to the remote, then learn all of the functions of your other remotes to the pronto. It is very easy and fun to do.

Hope this helps...
Az B

Az B

Vancouver said:
Markus...that philips pront sounds perfect! are you able to clarify what this feature is? "Radio frequency for devices not in line of sight, via RF extender" does that mean it will learn the redio frequences from my fan remote? what is the RF extender?
No, it will not learn RF codes. It has a RF repeater in the base station so you don't have to buy another repeater if you want to control IR gear in another room.

I wish someone would make a friggin' remote that could learn RF codes. I went and built a fancy switcher to turn my amps on and off with a remote, and since they're in a different room, I used a RF remote. I just assumed that someone would make a dang remote with learning capability! I guess I should've checked beforehand... :mad:


Try, I bought my iPronto from the and there service is first rate. You will also get the remote cheaper from the then you would if you bought it locally.

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