
Audioholic Chief
I’m looking to get my parents a remote. FYI they are not technically savvy at all so I’m not looking for anything crazy. It needs to turn off the TV directly in the same room as well as controll the Receiver and Cable box which is located in a different room through walls. I previously got them the urc rf 20 which worked well but it’s buttons have stopped working.
Any input?


Audioholic Warlord
Logitech is a common model, but URC models do just as nicely.

With Logitech, you have to program them yourself. So, there will be work on their part (or your part) to set everything up and to test through everything on your own. It takes some doing.

With URC you typically need a professional to come by and program it. It's not so much the do-it-yourself solution that Harmony remotes are, and can be expensive for people who switch out equipment regularly. But, for those who just like what they have, it's a good way of doing things as it can be a very long term solution.

Likewise, if the RF20 was something they were really happy with, you can just get another one of them and reload the programming to a new one and call it done.

We use the discontinued MX850 remote from URC throughout our home. I continued to scour eBay for models in good shape and will pay appropriately for them. They give us solid control in half a dozen rooms in our home using 100% RF for our setup.

I just looked up the RF20 and it is shockingly similar to the MX850. A bit less featured, but not much.

I would ask them how happy they have been over the years with the RF20. I mean, there is a brand new one on eBay right now (RF20).


Full Audioholic
The new Caavo works great and simple to use once setup. You can use the paid service idlf desired, but it is not necessary for operation. It identified my cable service, an Onkyo TX RX-810 and Pioneer SC-81x as well as my XBox One, Nvidia Shield, Vizio and Samsung TVs and Fire Cube TV. I use two of them. They had them in sale for $30.00 off. Hence why I grabbed to of them. I did need to use the IR extensions that came with them to get it is identify both of my cable boxes .


Audioholic Warlord
The new Caavo works great and simple to use once setup.
While I have HUGE issues with any remote that requires that I talk to my cable box to do normal channel surfing, I think that this review of the product sums it up entirely...

(from Amazon)

Easy to set up.
Integrating HDMI switch was a great idea, even though my TV has 4 inputs.
On screen menus.
Hardware is well executed and works well.
Voice search works well for Roku, but no better than Roku remote.

Not backlit.
Unfamiliar button layout can be confusing.
FFWD/REW and Skip implementation is strange.
Far too many long press functions.
Button hover ID is useful, but placed in the worst possible spot on the screen.
Some functions through HDMI take too long.
Limited control of AVR (power and volume only).
Guide is simplistic and hard to read compared to DirecTV.
Subscription services are of dubious value to me.
Voice search for DirecTV is very limited. If the voice command system was smarter, it would help. Since there is no keypad, you should be able to say, "DirecTV channel XXX" to go directly to a channel.

I was eager to try this out, and up through setup was quite impressed. I have tried just about every universal remote out there in an attempt to make controlling a complex system easy for my wife. Several versions of Harmony over the years up through Elite, Inteset, One-For-All, Philips, GE, RCA, etc.

None of them do everything that I need. So far, the closest is my Harmony Smart Control. I wish it had one extra activity button, but there are workarounds. Also, wish it was backlit for use in the bedroom at night, and was a bit larger with more space between buttons. But it controls everything, has a familiar layout and is easily reconfigurable using the phone app."

Anyone who has used a good universal remote knows that HDMI switching is something built into your TV or into your A/V receiver, so you don't get any advantage from a secondary HDMI switch. Anyone that channel surfs (still) really needs a keypad. Anyone that uses a remote in the dark should expect a decent backlit remote. I get what they were going for, but I can't imagine this being something anyone non-tech-savvy would be comfortable with at all. Especially if they had something bullet-proof previously.


Full Audioholic
The Caavo has a keypad (virtual), has a last channel feature as well as displays the cable guide to surf. I don't use any voice features.


Full Audioholic
Not sure about DirectTV functions. I am on Cox cable and the guide functions and looks exactly like the guide does on Cox itself. And for $70 I think it is a good solution. Far better than my old Harmony 650.

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