Harmony 880
The Harmony 880 works good for general use. I am able to control all the functions required for a Cable Box, TV and DVD player.
My only complaints are the following:
1. Some of the receiver functions (DSP sound modes, and speaker adjustments) have different names that function differently on the Harmony than on the Denon supplied remote. I often use the Denon remote to handle these functions espically when company is present (You always want your friends to know that you are in control). I am hoping that I will be able to program different names for these functions, when time is available. Names on the top level functions can be altered. I am not sure if alteration is possible as you get deeper (2nd and 3rd levels) into the receiver commands.
2. I an considering upgrading to a RF remote system in the future. The Harmony 880 is slow in executing commands (slower than the Denon remote). An RF device might help this problem.
3. The 880 sometimes fails to power-up the TV or cable box. Part of the problem may be my wife who occasionally uses other single remote controls that maybe confusing the 880.
I recommend others to check out the RF type remotes. These may be the most advanced and fastest operating units.