Red Dead add on - Undead Nightmare Pack



Audioholic Jedi
Unleashed upon the world of Red Dead Redemption™, the Undead Nightmare Pack features an entirely new single-player campaign following John Marston as he tries to find a cure for the highly infectious undead plague spreading across the frontier.

In addition to this epic single-player adventure, the Undead Nightmare Pack also features a brand-new multiplayer mode in addition to new gameplay mechanics, weapons, undead animals and mythical creatures.
I installed it last night (big update). When you start the single player campaign, it gives you the option of the original game or the new one. It is more or less "night of the living Red Dead" and has some interesting new features. The bad news: since it is a new game, none of your existing money or weapons carry over. There are no shop keepers, so your money isn't any good anyway! Right away it tells you ammo is very limited, and they aren't kidding, but you quickly get a new melee weapon: the torch :D

I've only played the first sequence in Blackwater so far, but it is pretty fun.


It seemed like I finished RDR in a few hours.It wasn't very long a game IMO.I did not do a bunch of side missions though ,but the main story was short to me..


Audioholic Jedi
It seemed like I finished RDR in a few hours.It wasn't very long a game IMO.I did not do a bunch of side missions though ,but the main story was short to me..
If you go for all the outfits and achievements, the game is much longer. Straight play through just following the story is probably 10hrs or less. I also signed up for the Social Club (free), which gives you additional challenges that are a lot harder than those in the game. With the missions, trophies and 100% completion it was 20+hrs for me...but a lot of that just riding around killing stuff :)


I gotta say that I liked the gameplay so I may have to check out the add on's.....I am playing a PSP3000 on tour and its way harder for me !!!!:eek::D
I miss the PS3 at home........


Audioholic Overlord
I mostly got RDR for the online multiplayer. I haven't even completed the story mode yet.


I mostly got RDR for the online multiplayer. I haven't even completed the story mode yet.
I really have not done any online play at all.I guess I need to check it out.My son plays the heck out of Call of Duty online,he has a bunch of friends who play as well......does the game have more scenes to play online? Also what online games do you recommend for people who like GTA and MGS type games?


Audioholic Jedi
LOL, I rarely play online on this one also. I pretty much just played through the single player and hadn't played it in a while until the last add on a week or two ago and this one came out. The whole zombie thing is getting a little tired, but them releasing this one at Halloween works and added a little fresh fun to this one.

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