boe said:
Thanks - two things please - what is the denon link? Have you noticed any issues with macroblocking? I found several references to the denons with the faroudja chipset -
The Denon Link is Denon's proprietary "firewire" between digital sources and the receiver. Its a single cable that right now carries the digital signal for DTS, DD, *AND* DVD-A. Theoretically, Denon has been on the verge of signing Sony to licence the Denon Link for SACD for about, what, three years now? Longer?
The 3910 and 2910 were both supposed to have newer versions of the Faroudja processing that was less susceptable to the macroblocking and the chroma bug than what the 5900 had, and although somehave complained of one or the other on the various bulletin boards I've never seen any of it with mine (the 2910)-and its got at least as good a picture as my neighbor's 5900 as well as loading/cycling faster.
I shopped the Pioneers, the Yamahas, and both of the Denons for a universal DVD player and after looking at my current system (and where I *thought* DVD players might be in 5 years) I decided this one suited my needs and budget best. YMMV.
Bryan...have you seen the video stats for the 5910?...