For older folks, the woman's 'rents. They're not big on big sound either, just something to get them into the world of surround.
They've got a 52" Sammy LCD in the living room and I want to set up a surround system for them. I know they will never buy a BD player. Wireless rears are a must since they won't want cables running down the floor. There's a plug on the back wall, so a system like the Panny HTiBs with wireless rears would be fine. Two speaker wires going up the walls is no big deal.
Dimensions are ~ 11'W (viewing location) x 18'L (viewing distance is actually 8' from viewing location) x 8'H ceiling.
Again, big sound isn't the key. Nice sound with a bit of bass is all they would want. They think my setup is way too much.