LOL, no we don't always cover all our angles. I have done that a few times myself.
If you would like to get something with HDMI I would suggest the Yamaha RX-V661 or Onkyo TX-SR604/674. They offer the best set of features for the money outside of Sony and Sony is hit and miss with their receivers, more miss than hit.
JBL are efficient and are easy loads, so basically any receiver will do just fine. I am sure that whatever you get will be a significant upgrade in the power department.
If HDMI is a non-issue you may want to look for the Yamaha RX-V659 or perhaps older high model HTR series on Ebay, similar to the one in my signature. The receiver in the signature has lots of power, but doesn't quite have the features of the RX-V661 and other HDMI compatible receivers. And when it comes down to it you will rarely call on the extra power of a larger receiver, especially with your speakers being that they are efficient. Careful with the tweeters on those. One of our newer members had his JBL tweeters go out from being driven too hard.