Yesterday, I was playing around the Harmon part of eBay and I got kind of caught up with bidding on a refurb AVR 7300. I've been outbid on stuff there before--so even though I was neither 100% behind this unit (as opposed to other choices), nor was I quite ready to pull the trigger on an upgrade--I wasn't too worried about winning the auction.
Well, guess what? This morning I found out I'm going to get a 55lb. "baby" on my front porch soon.
I know this is a serious piece....but I'm not too sure about the "refurb" part, and the price I'm paying...$940+38 shipping. I know to some people 1000 bones is chump change, but I'm not so fortunate. This receiver has to last for a while.
I've got some work ahead of me rewiring. Gotta wire all video through the receiver....I'm not paying for a Faroudja DCDi engine and not use it.
Anyway....I hope this is not a mistake.....