receiver reviews - this may be a repost



I do not see my previous post so I apologize if this is a re-post.

My budget for a home theater system is around $500. I do not want a dvd player in the system as I will get a bd player separately. So should I go with a HTIB like the Yamaha YHT-585BL or the Sony ss2000, or should I get a receiver by itself and the speakers separately?

I've been reading reviews and also wanted to ask your opinion on what systems you like within my budget.




Audioholic Jedi
Hi, Eddie.

If you haven't already, I'd suggest looking through the forum here for similar questions. There have been a number of people who have wanted to pull off a receiver/speaker set-up for around your budget.

I'm not very knowledgeable about whole systems in that price range, so I'm not going to through in a bunch of ideas. I'd be surprised if you don't get a few suggestions, though. I would suggest looking at the Onkyo 505, which can be had for $250 or less. Fry's Electronics has had some good deals on Polk speakers on their website, too.

Again, check out the other threads because I know that there have been a number of suggestions for this. Have fun!




$500 is not enough to spend on a HT system. A mid range receiver will cost around $500 alone. A semi-decent set of speakers will run around $1000 or so.

I wouldn't do HTIB, they suck and you would do better to save up an buy one piece at a time. The Yamaha rx-v661 receiver is a very good receiver that you can get for under $400 if you shop around. Next, buy good front speakers, then center channel, then surrounds, then powered sub. Then get a PS3, which is a fantastic Blu-Ray/DVD player, wifi media machine, game system etc. and you can find on ebay for under $400.

Don't buy crap or you will end up spending more in the future, when you realize that your system sucks and you want get something better. Good speakers can last you 20+ years easy and are a great investment.


Audioholic Intern
Edit... Google cache did not show the above replies!


Actually, the YHT-585BL is a respectable little HTiB. It comes with a powered sub, HDMI video pass through, and a real receiver, probably akin to the RXV-461. I wouldn't knock this little system. It is what it is, and it is not as good as a RXV-661 and a seperate set of speakers. Then again, it's also much cheaper. And you could upgrade the speakers on this HTiB. Many other HTiB's have to be played with the speakers that come with them. That is not true of the YHT-585BL. Just depends on what you are looking for and what you can afford.


Full Audioholic
I agree, if you want to do a little extra work consider a mid-priced receiver like a Onkyo, Yamaha, or Pioneer and watch for some of the spectacular speaker sales at or

Fry's currently has the Polk R50 towers, CSR center channel, and R150 rear surrounds on sale right now. No subwoofers on sale at the moment, but wait for a good sale on a Velodyne sub to finish out the speakers.

If all this mixing and matching is not what you want, check out the Onkyo HTiB setups. Very good reviews, no built in DVD, great price if you watch for sales.

This retailer sells factory refurbished units with full factory warranty (they are a factory authorized reseller) - saves a couple of bucks


Audioholic Intern
HDMI was only video, no audio... Defeats the purpose in my opinion, and a little misleading for newbies like myself. I got the Sony STR-DG810 in stead.


Audioholic Overlord
This thread is 2 months old, the OP has not logged in here for over a month.

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